Dog Training in Ashley Heath : Success Stories
Dog training in Ashley Heath, Ringwood was an absolute pleasure! Not only did my client achieve life changing results, I got to visit Moors Valley afterwards, even if it was just to empty my bladder. My family have visited Moors Valley Country Park, on at least twenty occasions during the past ten years. I am not sure who enjoys it the most, my children or my dogs. I do know that my husband and myself find it relaxing walking through the scenic woodland, watching the children and the dogs playing.
Stan, a sixteen month Miniature wire haired Dachshund was the reason I came to Ashley Heath, OK technically it was his owner Michelle that invited me there, however Stan’s difficult behaviour had left her with no choice.
Name: Stan
Breed: Mini Wire Haired Dachshund
Age: Sixteen Months
Good Traits: Loving family dog
Bad Traits: Nightmare on walks
This adorable breed that I have the pleasure of working with many times, actually makes a great pet dog. I have trained all the different types of Dachshunds however the wire haired is certainly the most stubborn, Both the short haired and long haired have similar traits, yet the sheer determination to ignore commands is more apparent in the wire haired version.
Stan the man, reacts to other dogs. I observed a mixture of protection over his owner along with some fear and nerves playing a part.. A walk with Stan was a nightmare for Michelle, he would basically bark at anything moving when on his walkies. Mainly dogs but also bikes, birds, even people. Embarrassed to walk him, seeing the stares from other walkers as Michelle would struggle along, she decided to seek help.
These short clips filmed with my smart phone, show Stan, barking and lunging at the rest of the world.
I always like to see the problem in the owners hands. How and why is this happening? I don’t usually need long to understand what is going wrong. In Stan’s case there was a mixture of nerves and fear/ being protective! Michelle his owner was also displaying some negative body language, which was also fueling the issue.
This is the part where I explain to the owner what I think is going on, in many cases the owner can already see some of this and its like I just turned a light switch to a new understanding on.
Michelle had booked my behaviour package, this is a four part package that includes..
- Pre- visit Video Chat
- over 4 hours training one to one
- Group aftercare class
- Support throughout the whole process.
After the first session with Michelle, I could feel her excitement. There were small changes that had been put in place and this was a good starting point. Michelle realised that this will get better! so she put in the hard work between my two visits and the results for her were life changing.
Over to you Michelle this time you are dog training in Ashley Heath, (albeit not perfect) Michelle has taught Stan a new and more harmonious way to walk. After listening to him bark and watching him react for the past year this was an amazing result for the family. I was so pleased for them, it is what my job is all about.
Stan’s family went from strength to strength, progressing onto loose lead walking with no reactivity, here is Stan’s dad demonstrating his new skills. A loose lead, a calm and happy owner and a dog focusing on what he should be – his owners.
My work here was done, Stan’s family went from nightmare walks, avoiding as much as they could, to this. What a transformation. I was really impressed at what they had achieved together, they were the perfect clients.
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